Why choose me?

  • I have been on the market for over 20 years.
  • Before starting my working experience as a freelancer, I worked for many companies in various sectors, and this has allowed me to understand how the business world really works.
  • During my training years, I acquired both a cultural basis and the technical skills necessary to carry out the profession of translator and conference interpreter (simultaneously and consecutively) and liaison interpreter honourably and conscientiously.
  • I am very curious about everything that comes my way, especially if within my areas of competence.
  • I am mentally very flexible particularly when working as an interpreter.
  • I personally take care of my professional further training by means of courses and thanks to my professional association.
  • I am extremely pragmatic, I respond quickly to every request and try to identify with the specific needs of the client.
  • I am a native speaker of Italian and, according to many of my foreign clients, I have an almost perfect accent in both German and English, which is very much appreciated by those who listen to my performances during my interpreting services.
  • I can handle large volume translation projects quickly.
  • I have an in-depth knowledge of the target market of my services, an added value for successful communication.

Is this not convincing enough? All you have to do is put me to the test immediately, so I can prove the quality of my services in person…

What my clients and collaborators say about me:

"Sergio Paris hat mein Buch Vita System – mit modernster Informationstechnologie zu neuer Vitalität und Lebensqualität – aus dem Deutschen ins Italienische übersetzt. Der Übersetzungsauftrag wurde professionell, kompetent und fristgerecht erledigt. Das Resultat ist zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit ausgeführt worden und ich kann Herrn Sergio Paris nur weiterempfehlen."
“Colgo l'occasione per ringraziarvi tutti per l'ottimo servizio che ci avete fornito: Sergio Paris è stato eccezionale! Professionista di altissimo livello che conoscendo le nostre realtà ha saputo interpretare benissimo le necessità e rendere al meglio tutto quanto si doveva narrare e illustrare! Ancora grazie e un gran complimento al nostro interprete!”
"Ich habe gerade mit unserem Techniker telefoniert. Er hat Herrn Paris sehr gelobt - auch für sein technisches Wissen. Demnach hat die Zusammenarbeit hervorragend geklappt."
"Nulla da eccepire relativamente alla sua cortese richiesta sull'operato di Sergio Paris, al quale avevo già accennato di persona, che la sua competenza in qualità di interprete è ad un livello di assoluta eccellenza. "
"Our experience working with Sergio has been phenomenal. Sergio is transparent in his communication and quick in responding to inquiries which we admire the most. On one of our recent engagement which was interpretation for our client, Sergio was flexible in all regards. He made himself available for our client in a best possible manner and connected with them in a professional manner resulting in our client being tremendously satisfied with our services. We will certainly be working with Sergio on all the interpretation requirements into Italian. If you’re looking for a professional interpreter into Italian, Sergio should be your first choice."
"Sergio Paris è un traduttore affidabile, competente e disponibile. Anche nella corrispondenza è sempre professionale, gentile e cordiale. Lavora ormai da diversi anni per noi, soprattutto in campo tecnico, e siamo molto soddisfatti del suo lavoro."
"Herr Sergio Paris ist seit 2004 für unser Unternehmen als freier Mitarbeiter tätig. Er hat für uns viele Verhandlungs- und Konsekutivdolmetscheinsätze ausgeführt. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Sergio Paris verlief bisher aus unserer Sicht sehr angenehm und wir freuen uns darauf, auch bei künftigen Aufträgen mit ihm zusammenzuarbeiten."
"Herr Sergio Paris ist seit 2005 für unser Unternehmen als freier Mitarbeiter tätig. Er hat für uns Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Italienische angefertigt. Den Schwerpunkt seiner Übersetzungstätigkeit bilden Texte aus den Bereichen Tourismus und Recht. Herr Sergio Paris hat immer hohe Übersetzungsqualität geliefert und die vereinbarten Liefertermine eingehalten. Wir freuen uns so sehr auf eine weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit."
"Conosco Sergio da diversi anni. Abbiamo collaborato a progetti di traduzione e di interpretariato. In entrambi i casi, di lui apprezzo la competenza e la serietà nell’approccio al lavoro. È scrupoloso nella ricerca terminologica e nell’approfondimento degli argomenti e sempre puntuale nelle consegne. Anche nell’ambito dell’interpretariato di conferenza, pur essendo un professionista di comprovata esperienza, è sempre molto meticoloso nella pianificazione del lavoro e questo fa di lui un collaboratore estremamente affidabile, pronto peraltro a gestire eventuali imprevisti con disinvoltura e in tempo reale."

I have worked for: